About Oregon NAELA
The Oregon NAELA is a group of dedicated Oregon-based members of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA). Our members specialize in elder law and are deeply attuned to the unique challenges and opportunities presented by practicing elder law in Oregon.
Many Oregon NAELA members provide vital assistance in areas such as:
Estate planning to help clients organize and protect their assets.
Incapacity planning through durable powers of attorney for financial and healthcare decisions.
Medicaid qualification and asset protection to ensure clients can access essential care without undue financial burden.
Guardianships to safeguard vulnerable individuals.
Probate services to manage and settle estates efficiently.
Our organization is committed to addressing access-to-justice issues. Our members actively participate in efforts to ensure seniors, their families, and individuals with incapacitating conditions receive the benefits and legal protections they deserve.
NAELA, a nonprofit association established in 1987, serves as a vital resource for attorneys who focus on the complex legal needs of older adults, individuals with disabilities, and their families. By providing education, tools, and support, NAELA helps its members navigate the highly specialized legal issues they encounter daily.
Through our work, Oregon NAELA members uphold the principles of compassion, advocacy, and professionalism, ensuring that Oregon’s elder population and their families receive the guidance and support they need to navigate life’s legal complexities.